After sifting through and compiling the better photos I'd taken in the last 10 years it became clear that my favourite of the lot of them had all been taken in the last 12 months, which was gratifying to realise because it means I'm - as I imagine are most photographers or any artist - still improving with each year that passes, which bodes well for sitting down one afternoon a decade from now for the same purpose.
So I thought I'd post this final few in a discrete post, with a bit more space to play with for image size and explanatory notes.
The Zim street shot is probably my favourite if I had to pick one, purely because of its social human element. I've no idea if the pair were related nor why they were there - could as well have been street sellers in a lull as homeless. Whatever their story I was struck by the boy's pensive expression as his partner slept so snapped them from a discreet distance. Unanswered questions make the best shots, I think.
See also: full travel blog post on Zimbabwe